Page 22 - Living Light 88
P. 22

I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. Proverbs 4:11
TO GOD: Father, we praise you that through the precious blood of Jesus we can be born again, adopted as children of God.
FOR THE CHURCH: Abba Father, may we once again know and covet your loving fatherhood – a relationship established upon your will, your love and your faithfulness alone.
FOR THE WORLD: Loving heavenly Father, we pray for innocent children sold into trafficking and those suffering abuse. Lord, restore their innocence and be their security.
FOR OUR NATION: Lord God, raise up fathers (and mothers) for the vulnerable in our society; people who model true, biblical parenthood. Please forgive us for the confusion we have bought upon our children.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, thank you that every one of our friends has ‘the right’ to become a child of God. May we pray accordingly.
FOR MYSELF: Father, I commit myself afresh to you, acknowledging that you are my heavenly Father, and I choose to ‘dwell in the shelter of the Most High’ (Psalm 91:1).
Ideal for Away Days, meetings or retreats.
Our Pastoral Room seats up to 30 people and includes a kitchenette and separate seating area. The delegate rate below includes room hire, tea, coffee and biscuits.
A: £21.00 includes sandwich lunch & crisps.
B: £24.00 includes sandwiches, mini tartlets and mini wraps*
C: £30.00 includes 2 course lunch*. *SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY
We also let out a Barn near Epping for 40 people £14.00 per person including tea/coffee and you can bring your own lunch.
  Lord God, please guide Chris Hill as he speaks on 1st April on conflict with the World, the Flesh and the Devil.
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
See page 35 for details or call:
01277 367124
01277 367124 or email

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