Page 46 - Living Light 88
P. 46
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.” Luke 22:42
TO GOD: Father, I rejoice that we can know you through your Son who ‘is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of your being’ (Hebrews 1:3).
FOR THE CHURCH: May we be willing to share in that cup and so ‘know Jesus and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings’ (Philippians 3:10).
FOR THE WORLD: May those suffering through war, tragedy, famine and climate change receive the help they need to rebuild their lives, and as a result know Christ’s participation in their sufferings.
FOR OUR NATION: May the church arise in resurrection power to minister with Christ’s grace and compassion to the poor, the marginalised and the brokenhearted.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: May those closest to us recognise that we have been with Jesus (Acts 4:13) and see a response to his radical gospel.
FOR MYSELF: Father, I pray that your will would be done and your kingdom come in my life, for your glory (Matthew 6:10). Amen.
Father, thank you again for outpouring your love to me! AMEN.
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Many people associate Easter with a few days off work, or a holiday with the family, or Easter egg hunts and overindulging in chocolate.
Many Christians attend a sunrise or other church service, and also spend additional time reflecting on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
May each one of us be more aware of the Risen Jesus this Easter and find new hope and newness of life in Him. May we be enthused by the Holy Spirit to tell others. Amen.