Page 4 - Living Light Spring 2024 sample
P. 4

Monday February 26 - Glorifying the Father
“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.” John 17:1
If you are anything like me, you are more comfortable praying for others rather than praying for yourself. Why is this? Jesus did not have a problem in praying for himself; in fact here we find him praying for himself before praying for others. Our text gives several insights. Firstly, Jesus knew what he was about – he knew God’s will, that ‘the hour had come’. And secondly, his overarching desire was to glorify the Father.
Praying in accordance with God’s will is fundamental. Even in our darkest moments, submission to God’s will is essential. In Gethsemane, just before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed, “nevertheless, your will be done” (Luke 22:42). Such prayers touch the heart of God, declaring our desire to live lives that glorify his name. Even when we are uncertain, we can pray with assurance in our desire to love the Lord our God, with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind, and to love our neighbour as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). This will bring glory to God.
In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul writes, ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.’ The glory of God is the ultimate aim in the Christian life. The Westminster Shorter Catechism declares that ‘Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.’ This is God’s will for you. Dare you pray it into being?
Father, today I humbly ask that I may bring glory to you, in and through the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday February 27 - Use what you have
“For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.” John 17:2
This week, we have considered the need to look to heaven, to glorify God; and now today we consider the importance of knowing what we have already received. There is no value in asking God for what he has already given! Our prayer should be for faith and courage to use what we have to hand. Jesus knew his Father had given him “authority over all people”. As a result, he did not ask for authority, but declared it had been granted!
We have all been to prayer meetings which in truth have been little more than exercises in listing jobs for God to do! The reality is that God has given us authority to go and make disciples of all nations, to baptise and teach them (Matthew 28:19-20), and to heal the sick (Mark 16:18). Therefore our prayers should be fashioned by the authority God has already granted.
I have had the honour of serving churches in India, seeing God working through people with little material resources but with great faith. It’s remarkable that almost everyone automatically becomes an evangelist. From the very moment of salvation they receive their commission, and from then on they pray for both power and opportunity.
So, let’s confess what we have received, and boldly ask for faith and strength to use it for the glory of God!
Father, thank you that you use redeemed men and women, saved by your grace, to serve you. Today, please fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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