Page 10 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 10

Wednesday December 6 - Some stir up trouble
The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing
they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. Philippians 1:17
Yesterday, we focused on verse 16, and looked at those who preach Christ out of goodwill, love and honest belief in God. Today we face the opposite: people whose aims are selfish, jealous, and hostile. They were not preaching out of love for God, but with the intention of stirring up trouble for Paul; potentially making things worse for him during his imprisonment.
Ironically, the opposite of what Paul’s enemies planned actually happened! Paul turned this attack around, focusing on the fact that at least Christ was being proclaimed and that people had the chance to learn more about the Son of God – and then, hopefully, choose to follow him. Paul saw each of his circumstances and the attacks against him – his arrest, being put on trial, thrown into prison and chained to a guard – as rich opportunities to take the witness stand for Christ.
The more I read of Paul’s incredible reactions, faith, strength and willingness to do whatever it took, at any cost, to further the gospel, the more I see how far I have to go in doing likewise! I’m learning that to become more like Paul requires letting go of some of my own needs and wants, and being willing to make my relationship with God my priority at all times, no matter what the cost. Does anything I’ve just shared speak to you?
Father, thank you for the incredible example of Paul. Help me to grow in faithful witness for you, despite the cost. Amen.
Thursday December 7 - The important thing is...
The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice Philippians 1:18
As today’s scripture points out, Paul declares that above anything else Christ must be preached! Does this mean that it’s OK if Christ is preached out of incorrect motives? You may feel quite shocked when you read this in Philippians. False motives aren’t ideal, but as we saw yesterday, at least people may still get to hear the gospel! That said, it’s obviously better if preaching is done out of pure motives, as we all know! Paul is the prime example of honest intentions and passionate preaching. His suffering makes his witness all the more authoritative. Do you think generally that suffering results in what we share being more effective?
Paul speaking about the Lord boldly from his heart, even whilst in chains, had a huge impact. Many consider that people are more credible when they are undergoing personal struggles. Perhaps this is because most people can do and say predictable things when all is going well for them, but their reactions when faced with travail, distress and life-threatening situations have a much greater impact. This influence is seen in Paul; as he faced terrible trials, it caused his message to be powerful and more believable. Can you allow your personal struggles to be used to open people’s eyes and hearts, to find new life in the Word of God and salvation through his Son Jesus?
Father, I pray that, even if someone preaches out of wrong motives, many will hear about Christ and follow him. Amen.

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