Page 24 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 24

Monday December 25 - Jesus in me
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ
Jesus. Philippians 2:5
The mind-blowing wonder of Christmas is that Jesus, the majestic and glorious Prince of heaven, should come to earth to rescue us, not as a triumphant conquering hero, but as a vulnerable baby; born not in the best-equipped hospital with all the fanciest baby gear but in a cowshed full of dirt and draughts. He is truly our humble king. Paul urges us to ‘value others above yourselves in humility’ (v 3). Humility puts a high value on someone else, at personal cost to oneself. King Jesus, in coming to earth as a helpless baby, makes himself accessible to everyone – whether poor or rich, weak or strong, famous or unknown. He lives in us as the humble King when we invite him into our lives. His humility in us shows itself in the same attitude towards others: a willingness to value others’ interests above our own.
Albert Schweitzer arrived at Chicago railway station in 1953 on his way to receive the Nobel peace prize. He thanked the city officials and reporters, with cameras flashing, for their welcome and excused himself for a moment. Pushing through the crowd towards an elderly black woman struggling with two heavy suitcases, he picked them up, escorted her to her bus and wished her a safe journey. “That’s a walking sermon in humility,” remarked a bystander.
Lord Jesus, thank you for laying aside your glory and coming to earth for us. Please help me to see the needs of those around me and be available to help. Amen.
Tuesday December 26 - Truly God
Being in very nature God, he did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage... Philippians 2:6
Jesus did not begin life as a baby in Bethlehem. He is eternal God. This is one of the doctrines of our faith. John calls him ‘the Word made flesh’ (John 1:14) and recalls the creation of the world as described in Genesis 1, as God spoke and everything was created. That’s a powerful Word!
But his disciples came to realise only gradually that Jesus is God, as they lived with him through three years. After his resurrection, the truth finally dawned that Jesus had conquered death, the final frontier! This conviction came not because Jesus had told them what to believe, but because they had seen it for themselves.
We too may be on a journey to faith. Jesus invites us to know him, speak to him, watch him and discover for ourselves that he is God. He never insists on a belief in his divinity before he will bless us with his presence. That growing realisation of Jesus’ divinity is an important journey for our friends too. It might take time to get to that place that Thomas did as he knelt before the risen Jesus, declaring: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28). Thomas feared that he had missed out because he had been away when Jesus appeared alive to the disciples after his crucifixion. Jesus didn’t want him to be left behind; he came back for Thomas.
Lord Jesus, thank you that you don’t want anyone to miss out. Please show me more of yourself. Amen.

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