Page 60 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 60

Friday February 9 - What kind of example am I?
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. Philippians 4:9
This is an incredible statement – taken out of context it would seem to be a little arrogant! But Paul was so very conscious of what his example meant to others. There was something unique about the life he lived and the impact he left on the world. He is the prime example of what it looks like to be a redeemed sinner who walks with Jesus Christ. And that should fill us with hope about ourselves!
Paul did what he taught; practiced what he preached. The early church not only learned and received so much from him, but they also heard and saw the same things ‘lived out’ in him. He walked the walk! And he asks that we too put into practice all that we have learned, received, heard and seen. Why? Not that we would be imitators of him (Paul), but that we would experience Jesus in our lives.
As we put into practice the things we have learned, received and heard of in Paul’s, Jesus’ and other Christians’ lives, then we recognise the importance of our lives growing to be more like Jesus. In this way we also become examples to others, to a waiting and watching world – lives so in need of the life and hope that only Jesus can give.
Father God, may Jesus be seen in my life today – especially by those who are seeking to know him. Amen.
Saturday February 10 - Peace at last... God’s peace And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9
I love this subtle but significant shift in how this section of scripture closes. In verse 7 Paul speaks of the ‘peace of God guarding our hearts and minds’. If ever there was a time for the peace of God to rule and reign, it is now! Not only for us personally in the challenges we’re facing, but because it seems the world is crying out, again, for peace! Wars, conflicts, disagreements, anxieties on all levels... we are being torn apart! It is the cry of our hearts for peace to come.
Now, in conclusion to all that Paul has encouraged us to do in thinking a little differently, comes the reason it matters. The God of peace, himself, will be with us! The two verses we have soaked in a little this week always speak to me not only of ‘whatever’... but also ‘whoever’...
All that is best is embodied in a person – Jesus Christ. When we come to faith in him we are joined with the highest moral power in the universe. He is the embodiment of everything Paul has instructed us to do. It’s all in Jesus. All virtue, all beauty, all holiness, all truth, all that is good and right is found in him. This is not some abstract philosophy but a call to a personal relationship, a call to know him – the God of peace!
May the peace of our God of peace flood the hearts and minds of each dear reader today, Lord. Amen.

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