Page 29 - Directors' report and accounts 2019-20
P. 29
Notes to and forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020
D2 Provisions
Movement in provisions:
Balance at 1 1 July 2018
Amounts used
Amounts released (expired & breakage) Provisions
made during the year Effect of foreign currency exchange differences Balance at 30 June 2019
Amounts used
Amounts released (expired & breakage) Provisions
made during the year Effect of foreign currency exchange differences Balance at 30 June 2020
Long Service Leave
Annual Leave
Provision for Restoration of Office Premises
396 111 - - 92 009 420 488 540 - - 150 731 (1 005) 638 266
594 765 (667 394) - 789 429 (12 983) 703 817 - - 19
006 (2 446) 720 377
186 976 1 1 1 177 852 - (667 394) - - - - 4 4 226 885 664 - (12 563) 191 202 1 1 1 383 559 - - - - - - - - 4 4 321 174 058 - (3 451) 195 523 1 1 1 554 166
D3 Key Management Personnel Compensation
The aggregate compensation made to to directors and other members of of key management personnel of of the the company is set out below:
Short-term employment benefits Post-employment benefits – defined contribution
Consolidated $$ 2020
2 486 844 93 806 2 580 650
2 2 244 096 93 543 2 337 639
The The remuneration structure for non-executive directors’ comprise of director director director fees The The executive executive director director director and other key management personnel’s remuneration packages compromise of salary a a a a a a a a a a performance-based bonus based on on on on on savings achieved and and other bonuses superannuation contributions and and salary packaged benefits