Page 19 - Victoria Dock Proposal
P. 19
7.4 Customer Service Charter
Mainstay Group Limited is committed to providing high standards of service delivery to all of its customers. We aim to be open, honest and easy to deal with, and your views on our service delivery and products are very important to us. We recognise that from time to time things will go wrong and that we will not have provided the high standards of service that we pride ourselves upon. When this happens, we are particularly keen to hear from you so that we can put things right quickly and to your complete satisfaction. We are also keen to hear if you feel we have exceeded your expectations. Our Customer Service Charter below sets out our standards of service delivery to you, our customers.
You can expect us to:
Answer all telephone calls presented to us during out o ce hours of 8.00am - 7.00pm Monday to Friday
Reply to any voicemail messages within four working hours, answer email messages within ve working days of receipt, and respond to faxes within ve working days of receipt
Answer web-based enquiries within ve working days of receipt
Reply to letters within ve working days of receipt
Contractual Obligations
We will fully discharge our contractual obligations to you and manage your development in accordance with good practice.
In particular you can expect us to:
Provide you with a comprehensive service charge budget within two weeks of the period start date
Arrange for the service charge accounts to be externally audited and provided to you within 6 months of the year-end
Manage your service charge monies in accordance with the ARMA, ARHM and RICS codes of practice and at all times have appropriate duciary and Professional Indemnity insurance cover
Deal with communal repairs and maintenance issues using only approved and insured contractors
Make regular and documented visits to your development
Engage with and build long-term positive relationships with all of our
We will endeavour to
Deliver our services in a friendly and inclusive manner
Treat you with courtesy and professionalism
Give you clear, accurate and helpful information
Deal with your requests, enquiries and concerns promptly Treat all customers equally and without discrimination
Maintain con dentiality at all times
Find new and better ways of delivering our service
To assist us in delivering this high standard of service, we would ask you to kindly treat our sta with courtesy and in a manner in which you would expect to be treated.
Make complaints and commendations
If you have been pleased with the service we have provided to you, we would very much welcome your kind comments, it does wonders for our morale! Please address any such comments to your Property Manager, or one of our Head of Operations. All such compliments are published in our sta newsletter.
Mainstay strives to o er the highest quality of service to all its clients. However, we recognise that issues do sometimes arise and in accordance with good practice we have set out in this document the steps that you should take in the event that you are dissatis ed with any aspect of our service.
In the rst instance if you have a complaint against Mainstay or a member of its sta , then you should raise this with the relevant Property Manager for your site (details can be found within the Leaseholder section of our website) who will endeavour to resolve it as promptly as possible, if necessary by arranging a face to face meeting.
In the event that you feel it necessary to take the matter further then you may do so by contacting the Head of Operations in writing at the following address:
Mainstay Group Limited Whittington Hall, Whittington Road Worcester WR5 2ZX
You should set out the nature and details of your concerns and copy in any relevant information and correspondence. The Head of Operations will endeavour to respond to written complaints within 5 working days of receipt and aim to fully resolve issues to the satisfaction of both parties within 28 days.
If you remain unsatis ed with the response then you may write directly to the Property Director at Mainstay enclosing full details as above. The Property Director with the Managing Director will review the matter and all correspondence and respond to you within 5 working days.
At this point if you feel the issue has still not been resolved or you have received a letter from us saying that we are no longer considering your complaint or that we cannot do anything further for you (sometimes referred to as a ‘deadlock letter’) then you may refer your complaint to the Ombudsman Services: Property. This is the redress mechanism approved by the regulatory board of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) of which we are a member rm.
Ombudsman Services: Property provide a free and independent service and have been approved by the O ce of Fair Trading (OFT) to run a redress scheme and can handle complaints about RICS members. Their role is to investigate complaints fairly by listening to both sides of the story and looking at the facts. Their contact details are below:- Correspondence address: Ombudsman Services:
Property - PO Box 1021 Warrington WA4 9FR Telephone - 0330 440 1634 or 01925 530270 Text Phone - 0330 440 1600 or 01925 430 886 Email -
Website - Contact Us
We like to hear from our customers. Please tell us if you are happy with our service, our colleagues in Mainstay nd this particularly rewarding. Similarly, if you are unhappy with our service please let us know so we can improve it.
Mainstay Group Limited Whittington Hall, Whittington Road Worcester WR5 2ZX
Mainstay Management Proposal: Victoria Dock on behalf of Homeground and Doc Fictoria Residents’ Association (DFRA).