Page 28 - Discover - Autumn Term 2021
P. 28

Do you enjoy swimming? Do you enjoy ball games? If the answer is yes then you’ll love playing Water Polo and the multitude of skills in can enhance. We will learn how to stay afloat whilst at the same time throwing and catching the ball. Furthermore developing your communication and team work skills.
This is an opportunity for older pupils to take up the challenge of a new subject, learning
a new alphabet structure and about the lifestyle and culture of the Ancient Greeks.
 WHO? Mrs Dobson Morris
WHERE? We will meet in Room 10
WHAT DO YOU NEED? Pencil case and a water bottle.
   WHO? Mr Smith
 WHERE? We will meet at the swimming pool foyer
  WHAT DO YOU NEED? Swim kit (inc. goggles) and water bottle
    Griffin Club
Each week The Griffin Club will spend an hour engendering a love of intellectual curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge.
Topics such as slavery, climate control, where food comes from and many others will be researched and presented upon. Fostering a love for learning and building confidence in the giving of presentations and speeches whilst hopefully finding a lifelong passion for knowledge along the way.
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom - Socrates
Workshop Projects
Calling all aspiring DM scholars and those who love to design and make things in the workshop. This is your chance to develop your portfolio, improve your designing skills, use a variety of tools and machines and create personalised pieces.
  WHO? Mr Hiles and Mr Smith
WHERE? We will meet in the workshop.
  WHAT DO YOU NEED? Water bottle.
        WHO? Mrs Dobson Morris
   WHERE? Room 10
  WHAT DO YOU NEED? Pencil case and water bottle.

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