Page 3 - Adult Care Spotlight
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In social care, inclusivity and support for LGBTQ+ individuals in later life are essential. Recognising
this, Dr Trish Hafford-Letchfield, in collaboration
with the LGBT Foundation and funded by Skills
for Care, has developed a learning framework.
This framework guides the social care workforce towards deeper insights, understanding, and skills essential for engaging with gender and sexually diverse communities.
The framework extends across various stakeholders within the social care sector. Employers, employees, training providers, regulators, commissioners, and policymakers can harness its potential to cultivate their knowledge base, bolster colleagues’ comprehension, and design tailored learning programmes. By doing so, teams can effectively support LGBTQ+ individuals in their later years, fostering an environment of inclusivity and respect.
The framework uses several crucial objectives within social care services and organisations:
1) Integration of LGBTQ+ issues into workforce education and training programmes.
2) Incorporation of LGBTQ+ considerations into daily care and support practices for elderly individuals.
3) Guidance for the development of evidence-based LGBTQ+ education and training initiatives.
4) Conducting comprehensive training needs to inform targeted interventions.
5) Designing training programmes that meet rigorous standards of performance and capability in providing care to LGBTQ+ elders and their communities.
6) Integrating pertinent LGBTQ+ topics, guidance, and resources into recruitment, induction, supervision, appraisal, and career progression processes.
By embedding these principles into social care practices, organisations can create environments that are not only inclusive but also affirming of LGBTQ+ identities. This framework introduces a new era of compassionate care, one where every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, receives the respect and support they deserve in their later years.
For more information, click here to view a presentation on the LGBTQ+ learning framework by Skills for Care.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has introduced a new framework for registering activities, emphasising its significance in recognising and supporting services that deliver excellent care while mitigating poor care instances. This framework marks a shift in assessing service quality, aligning with 34 quality statements to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. New providers seeking registration will undergo assessment through questions tailored to this framework, facilitating the process via the new portal or web form, streamlining the registration procedures.
Additionally, CQC has also unveiled enhanced digital services to simplify information sharing and ensure factual accuracy before publication. Providers benefit from more online forms for enquiries and submissions, including mental health complaints and registration cancellations. The introduction of a new provider portal enables streamlined notifications and registration activities. As the transition progresses, CQC will discontinue the existing portal, urging providers to join the new platform, with a phased rollout strategy ensuring a smooth transition for all stakeholders.
For more information about the CQC new approach to assessment, please click here.

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