Page 14 - Knowledge Organiser Yr9 24-25
P. 14

 Knowledge Organiser Study Habits and Revision Year 9
Self-Quizzing (LCWC)
A popular tool to support revision of factual knowledge can be flashcards. They can
be physical cards, or digital versions online. A good flashcard has a prompt on one side that requires you to think of a specific answer, or it can be a heading that requires you to elaborate. When using flashcards, make sure that you either say
your answer out loud, or ideally, write it down. Otherwise, sometimes our brain convinces us that we know an answer even when we don’t!
1 Make 1
2 3
4 5
Do this as you go along during the year- as you study a topic, use your knowledge organiser to create a set of flashcards. Your KO has been designed so that you can revise this way. Put a question or word on one side and the response on the other. Make sure that you understand all of what you are writing. If you don't- speak to an adult about what the information means.
Prompt: Read the prompt
Respond: Produce the response required (preferably written)
Check: flip the card to see the correct version and evaluate how well you have done.
As you go through, separate the cards into two piles – those you got right and those you got wrong. Review the error pile, working out where you went wrong. If you don’t understand the answer, go through your notes, or ask an adult for help.
Prompt | Respond | Check
Some time (hours or days or weeks or months!) after your previous run through, shuffle them and go through the process again.
2 3
Use your Knowledge Organiser and read through the material. Make sure at this stage that you can re-word the material into your own words. Check your notes, or with an adult if you do not understand something.
Cover over the definition/answers leaving the prompt visible. Write the prompt on your paper, near the margin.
Write out the definition/answer (word perfect if you can – however, understanding is more important than precision!).
One of the pitfalls of studying a subject is the illusion of familiarity: the fact that you recognise material as you reread it helps you to think that you must know it. However, this recognition is usually superficial. Self-Quizzing is a great technique for forming the habit to test your knowledge. It works best for simple factual recall, but cal also then extend into more complex questions. You can do this with your knowledge organiser, or any other material, once you have practiced.
5 Repeat or Extend
If you are not confident, repeat the process until you are sure of the correct answer. Once you are confident, try and generate your own questions about the material. (Who, what, where, when, explain, sequencing etc).
Uncover the answer and check/correct your work.

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