Page 83 - Knowledge Organiser Yr9 24-25
P. 83

 Knowledge Base: Italian Festeggiamo Year 9 | Spring Term 1
          1. La musica / Music
1.0 ascolto la musica
1.1 ascolto molto
1.2 non ascolto mai
1.3 la musica classica
1.4 la musica pop
1.5 una canzone
1.6 un cantante
1.7 un gruppo
1.8 il mio gruppo preferito
2. Le feste / Celebrations
2.0 un matrimonio
2.1 la moglie
2.2 il marito
2.4 una festa di laurea
2.5 festeggiare
2.6 un invite
2.7 un ospite
2.8 sabato prossimo
2.9 dove andremo?
2.10 cosa faremo
2.11 a che ora andremo
3. La foto / The photo
3.0 in questa foto c’è
3.1 in questa foto ci sono
3.2 sembrano
3.3 portano
3.4 studiano
3.5 sono turisti
3.6 sono giovani
3.7 sono in centro
3.9 a destra c’è
3.10 a sinistra c’è
4. Il condizionale / The conditional
       I listen to music
I listen a lot
I never listen
classical music
pop music
A song
A singer
A group
My favourite group
a wedding
the wife
the husband
a degree party
to celebrate
an invitation
a guest
next Saturday
where will we go?
what will we do?
at what time will we go?
in this photo there is
in this photo there are
they seem
they are wearing
they are studying
they are tourists
they are young
they are in the centre on the right there is
on the left there is
4.0 prenderei
4.1 sarei
4.2 avrei
4.3 studierei
4.4 guarderei
4.5 comprerei
4.6 andrei
4.7 visiterei
4.8 ascolterei
4.9 suonerei
4.10 mangerei
4.11 berrei
4.12 scriverei
4.13 leggerei
4.14 farei
4.15 lavorerei
5. Connetivi / Connectives
5.0 a parte questo
5.1 altrimenti
5.2 inoltre
5.3 sopratutto
5.4 forse
5.5 perciò
I would take
I would be
I would have
I would study
I would watch
I would buy
I would go
I would visit
I would listen to
I would play
I would eat
I would drink
I would write
I would read
I would make/do
I would work
apart from this
above all
   sono in campagna
   they are in the countryside
  in fondo c’è
  In the background there isthere is
   in primo piano
   In the foreground there is
   una festa di compleanno
   a birthday party
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