Page 51 - Pupil Coronavirus Briefing
P. 51

What will Happen if it is Confirmed that you have Covid-19?
Your health is our our priority Our medical centre is staffed 24 hours per day during term time and we are are close to hospitals Please be aware that most young people show mild symptoms and many show no symptoms at all
The school will liaise with the relevant authorities (such as Public Health England) and and engage with NHS Test and and Trace
You will have to self-isolate for at at least 10 days
If you you are a a a day pupil then members of your household will have to self-isolate for 14 days
from when you first had symptoms The school will trace your close contacts by looking at at records such as seating plans and interactions within bubbles You will be asked about other close close contacts contacts Your close close contacts contacts will need to isolate until they are tested
You will attend lessons online if you are well enough to do so 

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