Page 7 - Wanborough Primary School - Prospectus
P. 7

The Governors of this school, in conjunction with the Local Education Authority, are responsible for the management of the school under the 1986 Education Act.
The full Governing Body meets at least ONCE a term to discuss all matters relating to the school. At present the Governing Body is organised into three subcommittees:
» Premises
» Curriculum
» Staing and Finance
Anyone wishing to contact a Governor should do so care of the school. For more Information please look on our school website or contact the school oice.
Co Chairs of Governors LA Governors
Coopted Governors
Parent Governors
Sta  Governors
Clerk to Governors
Mrs Fiona Luckhurst / Omar Mirza Mrs Judith Evans
Mr Mark Brooker
Mr Omar Mirza
Mr Paul Bosher
Mrs Danielle Shepard Mrs Carolanne Lingard
Mr Dominic Staples Mrs Sarah Jones Mrs Liz Lott
Mr Andrew Drury Mrs Lindsay Wood Mrs Pam Hook
Mrs Caroline Pooley

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