Page 108 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
P. 108

Notes to the the financial statements for the the year ended 31 July 2023
25 Commitments
Land & Buildings Group 2023
Other 2023
50 886 20 614
71 500
Other 2023
41 150 20 614
61 764
Land & Buildings 2022 £
19 200 27 301
46 501
Land & Buildings 2022 £
19 200 27 301
46 501
Other 2022 £
53 610 78 176
131 786
Other 2022 £
41 554 61 763
103 317
Operating leases
At 31 July 2023
the the Group and the the College had future total minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases
for each of the the periods outlined on the the left table Capital commitments
The Group and the College had no capital commitments
at 31 July 2023
(31 July 2022: none) Not later than one year Later than than one year year and not later than than five years
19 200 8 101
27 301
Land & Buildings College 2023
Not later than one year Later than than one year year and not later than than five years
19 200 8 101
27 301

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