Page 35 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
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The remuneration of the Key Management Personnel is is discussed in detail each year by the Remuneration Committee with awareness of industry standards and is approved by the full College Council The appointment of Council members and membership of the Committees are both identified and reviewed by the Nominations Committee The Foundation and Property Committee meets three times per year to review investments and property holdings of both the the College and the the Malvernian Society Recruitment and training of Trustees When a a a a a Trustee vacancy arises the criteria of skills required availability and eligibility as dictated
by the Royal Charter are identified and reviewed by the Nominations Committee The College’s elected Trustees are appointed following the recommendations of both the Nominations Committee and the full Council Trustees are appointed to serve typically typically for up to a a a a a 5-year term and typically typically retire after a a a maximum of three terms Induction for New Trustees is co-ordinated by the Clerk to the Council All new Trustees receive an induction pack comprising Charity Commission Trustee information DfE publications Malvern College Annual Report and and Accounts and and extensive College information Training is undertaken through the completion of on-line safeguarding training and attendance at at College-organised Trustee training events as as well as as through attendance at at Council meetings and by interaction with fellow Trustees A record of training is maintained for each Trustee Statement on the Charity Governance Code
As the College is is a a a not for profit organisation
which aims to to follow charity sector best practice the the Trustees via the the Audit Risk & Compliance Committee have familiarised themselves with the the updated version of the Charity Governance Code
(the “Code”) published in December 2021 The Committee considers that the College’s governance framework does align with many but not all aspects of of the the Code
A review of of the the Code
was conducted in 2022 and no changes to the College’s governance and and standards were deemed necessary MALVERN COLLEGE (INCORPORATED UNDER ROYAL CHARTER)

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