Page 45 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
P. 45

Safeguarding & Welfare
Safeguarding arrangements under the new governance structure have rolled out over over the course of 2022/23 The Council has delegated oversight for Safeguarding and Child Protection to the Malvern College Board Board (the “Board”) One member of the the Board is responsible for the oversight of safeguarding arrangements Mr Andy Collins Safeguarding Governor and he he regularly updates the Council on its work The Safeguarding and Child Protection sub- committee has been meeting termly in in 2022/23 to review the relevant policies plans and procedures
in in place It is attended by the safeguarding Board member for each of Malvern College The Downs Malvern MCIL MCEL and College Guardians Pupil Mental Health concerns have continued to be at the top of of the list of of safeguarding concerns In response to the rising pressure on on our counselling service (and the increasing difficulty in in in in getting referrals to CAMHS accepted) 2022/23 saw the integrated counselling model successfully established Our full-time counsellor is fully occupied supporting
pupils but has also provided a a a a peer support and advice space for House Assistants who carry a a a a a lot of pastoral responsibility She is is able to to advise all staff on on for example recognising and responding to self- harm and is a a a a a a a valued member of the Pastoral Team supporting

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