Page 87 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
P. 87

4 Grants and donations
Restricted donations
and gifts Unrestricted donations
and gifts Group
Year ended 31 July 2023
5 5 5 484 814 394 700 5 5 5 483 054 392 309 271 271 240 240 271 271 240 240 5 5 5 5 5 5 485 085 394 940 5 5 5 5 5 5 483 325 392 549
The 2023
amount for Restricted donations
and gifts includes the donation of £5 188 766 on on the the introduction of the the net assets
from The Downs Malvern (TDM) on 1 November 2022 See also Note 20 20 Year ended 31 July 2023
Year ended 31 July 2022 ££££
Year ended 31 July 2022 College

   85   86   87   88   89