Page 11 - Return to School Guide - English version
P. 11
Lessons and Classrooms
Each academic year year group group will form a a a a a a “year group group bubble” This allows controlled mixing of pupils within the the year group bubble but there will be separation from other year group bubbles The timetable and classes have been reviewed so that lessons take place in the largest classrooms available to enable maximum distancing between pupils Where physically possible desks will face forward with separation between them In order to facilitate contact tracing consistent seating plans for each each class will be recorded Teachers will maintain appropriate distancing from pupils and classrooms will also be equipped with sneeze guards and visors for for teachers for for use as needed Lessons have been organised to allow for classroom cleaning after every lesson and to allow controlled exits to avoid crowding in in corridors If pupils are not able to attend school at at any point next term they should inform their HouseM who will liaise with relevant staff There is is contingency planning in in in in place for online teaching as well
as as classroom teaching next term to cover for all eventualities 11