Page 28 - Return to School Guide - English version
P. 28

Leave Outs and Half Term
dates are published on the Malvern College website and there are no planned changes to these dates There is no requirement for boarders to remain in in in school during Leave Out and Half Term
When pupils return to school they will undergo health screening e e e e e e e e g g g temperature testing and checking for Covid-19 symptoms Overseas pupils will be able to remain in in school for for Leave Out and Half Term
if they need to (for which there will will be be a a a a charge) and they will will be be able to to sign up to to this nearer the time However we we are are aware that the Autumn Term
is long and and tiring and and most pupils benefit from from a a break from from the school campus if possible We therefore recommend that pupils stay with a a a a a guardian friends relatives or a a a host family if this is is possible especially for the two-week Half Term
break School facilities and activities will be relatively restricted during Leave Out and and Half Term
and and pupils should be aware of this If pupils choose to go overseas for Leave Outs or Half Term
they should be aware of potential quarantine restrictions when they return 

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