Page 7 - Return to School Guide - English version
P. 7
Health Screening
Although not mandatory in the the UK each day the the College will screen the temperatures of all pupils staff and visitors who enter the campus This will be accompanied by a a a a questionnaire for Covid-19 symptoms Health screening stations will be set up at at three locations on on the College Campus:
■ Outside the Main Building on College Road
■ The theatre entrance on Thirlstane Road
■ The Faber Gate on Woodshears Road
All Day Pupils staff and visitors to to the College must undergo health screening before entering the campus The Health Screening
station by the Main Building will be open all day and the the other two stations will be open just in in the mornings There will also be be health screening before pupils use
Day Pupil transport There is a a a a a requirement that Day Pupils staff and visitors who are ill must stay at home and do not enter the the the school campus Other members of their Household should self-isolate for 14 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms Health screening will also take place every day for all Boarding Pupils 7