Page 17 - Link Newsletter Spring 2021
P. 17
Lockdown has brought many challenges to all all of us whether they have been at home or or indeed in in the the the classroom In the the the world of Science these have been felt especially keenly as practical subjects demand pupil participation to to carry out experiments in the laboratories How have we coped with delivering the first-rate education in in in the the scientific world whilst being in in in the the virtual word?
Well using our overhead portable visualisers we have been busy filming many demonstrations of practicals in in the classroom for all our pupils to help them understand the the world of Chemistry
Physics and Biology that much better The pupils have also been involved online in in in in collecting results from the experiments and using them to draw their own conclusions about the work Head of Science Dr Natalie Watson has been in addition to delivering online lessons busy filming experiments that demonstrate the ‘Magic of Science’ Our favourites are The Howling Jelly Baby Chemiluminescence and The Bicarbonate Rocket Experiments like this will once again feature in in our annual ‘Magic of Science’ day which we hope to run in June and welcome your school to so please look out for details in the near future Dr Natalie Watson is Head of Science The Bicarbonate Rocket 17