Page 24 - WPS_Prospectus 2017/18
P. 24
Additional Information
School Policies & Procedures
There are a comprehensive series of School Policies and these are available on request from the school o ce.
Charging Policy
For visits/visitors which incur an expense (e.g. coach hire, admission charges) parents will be asked to make a voluntary contribution. No child will be excluded from a visit/visitor for failure to make a contribution, however the visit/visitor would have to be cancelled if there were insu cient monies raised to cover the cost of the experience. In cases of nancial di culty, parents are asked to discuss the matter con dentially with the Headteacher. For more details on charging, a copy of the Charging Policy can be viewed on request at the school o ce.
For o site activities, the school has insurance cover for injury and illness.