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Our first Annual Fund telephone calling campaigns to Old Malvernians
Record numbers of supporters making regular gifts
Five major capital projects completed through the help of philanthropy (Sports Complex boarding houses Rackets Courts Science Centre and Rogers Theatre)
Ten smaller immediate impact campus projects completed The largest ever number of transformational Assisted Places and scholarships supported through the Malvernian Society
support the College with at least £20 million in philanthropic support – an an ambitious aim and a a a a further step change in our work but one that we are confident of achieving with the help of the Malvernian community The cornerstone of this ambition is is to to raise at least £15 million towards ten new fully-endowed Assisted Places as as well as as a a a a further £5 million in support of the College’s capital and other projects We want to inspire our donors with the progress that has already been achieved on the many projects you are generously supporting as as well as as our desire to to add value to to Malvern College in all spheres of its work It gives me great pleasure to present this year’s Development Impact Report and to have the opportunity to tell you more about the wonderful effect that fundraising and Development are having on Malvern College At the same time we are also sad
to to be bidding farewell to to our visionary Headmaster Antony
Clark Antony
has been a a a great advocate for the power of philanthropy and it has been a a pleasure to work closely with him in in in bringing many fundraising projects to fruition with the generous help of our supporters without whom Malvern College would not be in the strong position that it it is today His tenure has been marked
with many a a ‘first’ not just in the academic sphere but also in terms of Development Highlights include:
The College’s largest ever gift to a a a capital building project in in this case our new Science Centre
Our largest ever multi-million pound legacy gift We are immensely grateful to Antony
and his wife Brigitte for the investment of their time and effort into the work of o our office We wish them both all the the the very best in their new venture Naturally we are also looking
forward to to the future and to to our new Headmaster Keith Metcalfe who joins us in in April 2019 Over the next 10 years we would like to to be able to to 2018 has been a a a a particularly fruitful year in terms of philanthropy (see graphic) and I do hope that you will find the following pages of interest If you have any thoughts on our work or or would like to get involved in in philanthropy please do get in touch Alexandra Albright
Head of Development 212 | | | | OldldMaalvlveernrniaiannNNeewssleletteterr