Page 9 - DIR_Issue 42
P. 9

You will have seen on p 12 that 87% of our donor community make regular gifts to support Malvern Regular gifts are pledges to give at set intervals most commonly
by Direct Debit and are crucial to us We have all seen the appeals
on on on television to give £x a month in support of a a a a a cause but please take a a a a a moment to read about the power of these gifts and the the the impact they have at Malvern every day One of our key fundraising priorities at Malvern is to increase the provision of Assisted Places to enable us to to widen access to to the College to children from a a range of backgrounds It is particularly in the area of bursaries that the importance of regular gifts is seen The average monthly Direct Debit gifted to Malvern is £25 which with Gift Aid equates to £31 25 a a month so £375 a a year When 100 donors give this amount we can fully
fund a a a a a a place at at Malvern creating a a a a a a transformational and life-changing opportunity for pupils In this way the generosity of individual donors is magnified when joined with others who give in the same way We are immensely
grateful to our entire donor community for all that they make possible However we we would like to say a a special thank you to our regular donors for allowing Malvern to plan for the future with confidence £25 a a a a a a month really can make a a a a a a Malvern education accessible and we invite you to consider joining the regular giving movement In order to offer significant fee assistance to children with the talent attitude and aptitude to thrive at at Malvern the College needs to be sure that the required provision will be available for each year of a a a a a a pupil’s attendance at at Malvern Regular gifts provide this security as we know that our wonderful donor community will provide the required funds to provide children with a a life-changing education year year after year year If you are interested in in in making a a a regular gift
you can do so through the Malvernian Society website or contact jennifer newton@ malverncollege org uk or or phone +44(0)1684 581 654
Vanessa Young Malcolm and Halina Duce in in the garden of House No 6 OOldldMMaalvlveernrniaiannNNeewwssleletteterr | | | | 19 

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