Page 5 - OM Newsletter - Issue 43 - 2020
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As we head into the new year - indeed, the new decade - there is the natural inclination to look forward and to plan. I am pleased to say that, true to the school motto, we have already been looking ahead, and already have in place plans for a number of exciting projects.
The family of Malvern schools continues to grow: you will know that we welcomed Abberley Hall into the fold in the summer, and the increasing inter-connectiveness, the sharing of good practice and ideas, and the opportunities for pupils and staff to interact with Malvernians across the county and the world puts us at the forefront of a globalising education system. There are proposals to develop the Malvern brand abroad by adding to the number of our overseas ‘relatives’ already thriving in Qingdao, Chengdu, Cairo and Hong Kong.
But of course, our core remains here at the foot of the Malvern Hills: I am pleased to report that pupils are thriving academically, and are able to enjoy and lead an expanding number of super-curricular opportunities; the pastoral support is as good as I have seen anywhere; and the impressive co- curricular programme continues to flourish. Above all, I have been impressed by our pupils’ enthusiasm to take ownership of the opportunities that are available to them. The learning, living and growing experience should be fulfilling; Malvern seeks to make it positively transformative.
We are able to offer these opportunities in no small part owing to the generosity of the Malvern community. Building on the success of previous fundraising campaigns - most recently our wonderful donors helped us to reach our £1 million target for the Rogers Theatre - we will soon launch our campaign to replace the Chapel Organ, which at over 120 years old is beginning to feel its age! To complement the successful ‘All-Steinway School’ campaign, funded entirely through the generosity of an anonymous donor, the College is to improve dramatically the facilities in the Music School. At the same time, we will be seeking support to replace and develop the cricket nets on the Senior to encompass the rapid growth and success of girls’ cricket, and to renovate our observatory, ensuring that there is a permanent and secure home for the science department’s telescope.
Finally, and most importantly, we are looking to make the opportunities here accessible to the brightest and best applicants, regardless of background. This is the principle underpinning the Clark Scholarship and, indeed, the entire Malvernian Society Assisted Places Scheme. The support of parents and OMs in this ambition is key to the continuing success of our College, and I thank you all for sharing our vision.
I hope you enjoy reading about a few of the recent highlights featured in this newsletter. We remain very grateful to all our donors for everything you make possible at Malvern.
Keith Metcalfe
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