Page 14 - House No.1 Handbook
P. 14
General Info Half terms and Leave Outs
Leaving the House
• Boys leaving the House early should complete an early departure form having asked parents to send an email to Mr Butterworth.
• The House will not be open until 6.30 am on the morning of departure. If a boy needs to leave earlier than 6.30 am they should stay with their guardian the night before departure.
• At the end of term boys will empty their rooms and ensure they are checked by a member of the House staff. Failure to leave a room tidy may result in a Sin Bin the following term.
Hall is held every night from Monday to Friday and is an opportunity to get academic work done.
Boys start getting ready to do Hall when the bell rings at 7.20 pm. Hall takes place at 7.20 pm - 9.00 pm.
• Every boy will vacate the House from 1.00 pm on the day of commencement of the holiday period. The House will be shut from 2.00 pm (normally Fridays).
Arriving at the House
• At the end of Leave Outs boys should return between 6.30 pm - 8.30pm as stated in the calendar.
• At the beginning of term and at the end of half term the House will open from 6.30 pm onwards.
• Registration will take place at 9pm.
• Boys should ask permission from the Housemaster if they are going to be back late.
• If a boy knows he is going to be late and is not going
to return before 10.30 pm he should make arrangements to stay with his parents/guardians and return to school the following morning.