Page 16 - The Malvernian - July 2024
P. 16

                                                                                                    THE MALVERNIAN
                                                                 Head Groundsman retires after 43 years’ service
After almost 43 years of dedicated service to Malvern College, Head Groundsman Martin Evans is to hand over the reins at the end of this week to start his retirement. Louise Ciaravella, Senior Communications Officer for the Malvernian Society met up with Martin on the Senior ahead of his retirement to hear about his time at the College and plans for the future.
Martin said: “I joined Malvern College on 19th July 1981 as part of the Youth Training Scheme [YTS]. This is the only job I have ever had and the only organisation I have worked for. I have loved it. I came here initially for my six months of training through the YTS and then was lucky to be taken on after this as a groundsman.”
Fast forward four years and Martin was offered the position of Assistant Head Groundsman, before becoming Head Groundsman in 2008.
“My main instruction when I took on my current role was to ‘improve the cricket facilities’ so there was a lot of pressure to get that right. I am responsible though for every aspect of the Malvern College estate which includes tree management, the gardens - you name it, my team looks after it. In the future the grounds team will also look after The Downs Malvern estate too. My team is a team of eight so there is always a lot of work to do.”
What have you enjoyed most about your time at Malvern College?
“The people. I have been really lucky to have had brilliant team members over the years. They have all been great and I feel privileged to have worked with some fantastic people. But I have absolutely loved being out there on the cricket pitches the most – I mean, just look at the view from here [overlooking the Senior to the view of Worcestershire in the background and Malvern Hills behind]. This really is a beautiful campus.”
What is your best memory from your time here?
“There are so many. We’ve had Blind Ashes out on the Senior and have hosted one of the England Ashes games too; they are real stand out days for me. I have really enjoyed being a part of the Old Malvernian Cricket Club’s success too – there have been some tight finishes which have been great to watch and play a part in. It’s always nice when Malvern gets it over the line because nobody moans about the wicket!
“There have been some great cricketers here in my time and we have a successful side. I think and hope this will continue.”
What will you miss the most?
“The views and the people I work with. I will certainly be glad to have my weekends back though!”
What would you like to see for the future of the College?
“The continued support of the grounds team and their work as my team is instrumental to the aesthetics of the school. I know so many parents who have stepped on to the campus and remarked how stunning it is. This makes me proud.
“There’s a bright future for the College with all of the redevelopment work planned here and it is exciting.”
What are your plans for the future?
“Probably some part-time work to keep me busy! I also have a holiday in Turkey coming up for some real relaxation time. I have three grown up children so will certainly be spending more time with them. My aim is to relax and enjoy life.”
Louise Ciaravella | Senior Communications Officer

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