Page 21 - The Malvernian - July 2024
P. 21

                                                                                                     THE MALVERNIAN
                                                               advanced musicians. It is, indeed, a fitting way to bring a packed Music programme to a close, and it is always one of the College’s musical highlights. It is not often that one is given the chance to perform a piece with an orchestra, let alone a professional one, and so being afforded this opportunity is a great privilege. I believe that this is one of the most important experiences that we are able to offer our musicians, and I know that it will have been an occasion that our soloists will look back on with fondness and pride in years to come. This year we had Music from Handel to Star Trek(!) with Music of all styles and periods in between, for singing, saxophone, French Horn, and even including the wonderful second movement from Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto no.2. This year, I am particularly pleased that we had a good number of performers from the Lower Sixth and the Hundred. This was something that I commented on last year about the current Upper Sixth, and it is, indeed, very good that we are already able to look ahead to next year’s programme and this concert with confidence and expectation. It does, indeed, look very promising with lots of potential across all year groups.
As I take a step back from the Director of Music role at the end of term, I would especially like to thank my colleagues in the Music Department - the Visiting Music Teachers, Katie Powell our administrator, and Joanna Gray our Head of Academic Music - for their amazing support for both myself and all the pupils involved in the Music programme. I have been hugely fortunate to have such superb colleagues around me, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
And, finally, I wish to give my particular thanks to our leaving Upper Sixth musicians. Not all of them played in the Concerto Concert, but this musical cohort have been incredibly committed to the Music programme during their time at Malvern. They have shown excellent leadership, maturity, humility and good humour, and have been wonderful to work with. We shall miss them very much.
I wish you all a wonderful Summer.
Jonathan Brown | Director of Music

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