Page 3 - The Malvernian - July 2024
P. 3

                                                                                                     THE MALVERNIAN
                                                               Knives Out at Longy!
The final week of term saw the Foundation Year participating in a three-day cross-curricular project – effectively a glorified game of Cluedo based around a murder in the Sixth Form Centre.
They have been busy interrogating Dr Stafford, processing a crime scene, analysing wine, DNA, fingerprints and footprints, drawing photofits, profiling criminals, taking witness statements in various languages, writing tabloid articles, solving puzzles, analysing clues, designing CCTV towers with spaghetti and marshmallows, digging up a skeleton, crime mapping (guess which House is the crime capital of Malvern College...?), challenging the sniffer dogs and cross-examining witnesses in the dock.
Ten outside speakers came in to start off the sessions with an insight into their professional lives, to inspire the pupils with where the subjects they study in school can take them in life. These
included forensics experts, criminologists, journalists, lawyers, police trainers, sniffer dog handlers – and it was a particular pleasure to welcome back two Old Malvernians; Poppy Underwood (about to start an MA in criminology at Cambridge) and Squadron Leader James Lambert (Expert in Military Policing).
The project culminated in each group of four creating a display in Big School, with a prize awarded by a former Head of Special Branch to the group he judged ‘the most likely to solve a crime’. Most groups did manage to work out ‘whodunnit’, but whether they did or not, all the pupils finished the week with a real insight into the range of professions available in policing and criminology.
Sarah Angling | Teacher of Modern Languages

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