Page 17 - Lunar Rise Proposal
P. 17

Below is a a a a a small sample of the work we undertake in in in developing communities and inclusiveness:
 White label brand creation which provides a a a a unique and exclusive identity for each development  Bi-lingual residents’ handbooks to help integration and inclusion
 Negotiating exclusive discounts for residents with local businesses
 The Midlands Mainstay team working in in in partnership with the Canal and and River Trust local residents and and neighbours volunteer one day per month to help keep the local canal side clean and tidy for the the benefit of the the wider community  On-site gym and spa facilities with personal training options
 Supporting charitable organisations such as the ‘Choir with No Name’ who have performed at a a a a number of events in in London and Birmingham properties  Summer picnic at Queen Mary’s Place  Christmas party at Marine Wharf
 Casino nights at Glasshouse Gardens
 Community
events events including social events events in in in local restaurants with joint promotion and discounts  Adult and child yoga classes
 Residents perks include fruit cup days days mini dessert days days tea and coffee mornings
 Halloween pumpkin carving and kids clubs
Bi-lingual residents’ handbook – Chinese section

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