Page 14 - Malvern Times - Issue 3
P. 14
The role of Malvern College Chapel Prefects
Chapel Prefects are the most senior pupils in the College and are expected to both lead and serve the pupil body. They are appointed whilst in the Lower Sixth in March, and serve for three terms.
At Malvern College a Senior Chapel Prefect is equivalent to what other schools may refer to as Head of School and the other Chapel Prefects are the equivalent to his or her Deputies. Although the role of the Chapel Prefects is diverse their brief includes the following:
» To represent the values of the College by being a role model for other pupils and living out the Malvern Qualities in all areas of College life
» To promote the well-being of pupils, enabling them to develop their personalities and to achieve their full potential in academic, cultural, sporting, and other activities; fostering an atmosphere in which all the pupils in the College feel valued and confident enough to discuss their individual aspirations, problems, and feelings
» To assist in the maintenance of an appropriately ordered and disciplined environment so that pupils feel secure and understand the parameters of acceptable behaviour
» To play an active supervisory role in specific parts of the College for example, The Grub at Break times. To this end the Senior Chapel Prefect(s) liaises with the others in the team to provide a termly rota
» To attend weekly meetings with the Headmaster, Senior Deputy Head, and other members of the Senior Management Team, where there is an open agenda to discuss any matters that they feel need to be raised
» To attempt to react to pupil concerns by bringing them to the attention of the Senior Management team and other appropriate staff
» To liaise with the Heads of House and School Council Members as well as with various other school committees including sport, music and drama as and when necessary, on a wide variety of issues
» To represent the College at official functions such as Benefactors’ Lunches, OM Weekends, Prospective Parents, Open Days, Inspections, Special Chapel Services and similar events
» Each Chapel Prefect will have an area of responsibility to ensure that there is high quality input into key areas of College life. These areas of responsibility may vary from term to term, or year to year
Areas of responsibility:
Working with the Deputy Head: Curriculum to create and engage pupils in diverse and stimulating academic enrichment opportunities
Marketing and Admissions
Working with these teams to ensure a vibrant pupil voice is heard through the College’s communications
To ensure that the whole College family recognises its position in, and its responsibilities to, the wider community