Page 13 - Pupils' Boarding Handbook
P. 13

                                Evening Activities
The evening activities take place between 6:30-7:30pm on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There really is something for everyone in the activity programme.
Here is a flavour of what is on offer:
House Night
Every Wednesday is House Night! After games and matches in the afternoon the boarders change into home clothes, make
use of the Tuck Shop and enjoy an evening activity (arranged by the Heads of Houses) and share a meal together as a boarding community. This ranges from a barbeque and a game of Capture the Flag to homemade pizza night or a board game marathon! It is a relaxed and enjoyable break in the middle of the week to help recharge the batteries. Any suggestions for future house night activities can be put into the Boarding Boxes in the Houses.
Boarding Meeting
We have a weekly boarding meeting that takes place on a Wednesday evening as
part of House Night. This is a chance for the whole boarding house to get together and congratulate each other for any successes
in the last week. It is also a really good opportunity for you to give feedback on any boarding issues or ideas for new activities etc.
  Art Club
 Board Games
   Computer Coding
 Free Swim
   General Knowledge
 History Films
 Horse Riding
 Mountain Biking
 Project Sound
 Swim Squad
 Talent Show

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