Page 5 - Pupils' Boarding Handbook
P. 5
The Boarding Options
However much boarding you decide to do you will feel part of the boarding family. You will have your own bed and bedspace which you can decorate with photos and posters to feel like home.
Full Boarding
Full Boarders arrive at the start of term and spend weekends during term time in school. They have a wonderful array of weekend activities planned throughout the term to give them the most enriching boarding experience. Full Boarders return home or stay with guardians or host families on exeat weekends and at half term.
Weekly Boarding
Weekly Boarders come into school on Monday morning and then leave on Saturday after enrichment activities.
Part Boarding
Part Boarders stay over on set nights throughout the term, normally dependent on the activities the children wish to take part in. A Part Boarder is the name given to any boarder who boards either one, two, three or four nights per week.
As you can see there are no limitations to how much boarding you can do here at Abberley.