Page 12 - South African Rugby Tour 2023
P. 12

DOB: 179/0128/20046
Height: 1827cm
Weight: 7969kg
Position: BFraocnkt row
Favourite Rugby Memory:
A bitter sweet one but scoring a a a a a hat trick against Colston’s Rosslyn Park 2023 in in in the the the first half but then getting carded in in in the the the second!
For Touring:
I think it will be be an amazing experience to to to be be able to to to go to to to South Africa Itowpalnatytwoigthoyonurtosucrhtooel xapnedrieInkcneowplaitywinigll trurgnboyuint taonboethoenrecoufnthtrey best experiences of my life WILLIAM MILLARDDANIEL BAILEY (BAWILiOnt)erfold House School
DOB: 1049/058/2006
Height: 18772cm
Weigh t:W65eikght:
9P9oksgition: ScProusmitihoanlf:/wFrinogn/tfurollwback
Favourite Rugby Memory:
A A bitter sweet one but scoring a a a a a hat trick against Colston’s Touring South Africa with my old school in in in in the the the first half but then getting carded in in in in the the the second!
For Touring:
I think it will be be an amazing experience experience to to to to be be able to to to to go to to to to South Africa To have the the experience experience of of playing rugby abroad also to to to to to to see the the to to to to play play with your school and I know it it will turn out to to to to be be one of of the the the the best cultural differences to to the UK experiences of my life OLLIE MINTERDANIEL BAILEY (BAILTOh)e Downs Malvern
DOB: 149/08/20056
Height: 1827cm
Weight: 7949kg
Position: Furollnbt arockw/wing
Favourite Rugby Memory:
A bitter sweet one but scoring a a a a a hat trick against Colston’s Winning the the the Collegiate 7s in in in in in the the the the first half but then getting carded in in in in in the the the the second!
For Touring:
I think it will be be an amazing experience to to to be be able to to to go to to to South Africa tEoxploaryinwgitah dyioffueresncthcouollt uarendinIwknhoicwh rituwgbillytuisrna ohutgteopbaertoonfe of of the best experiences of my life TOM MORISONDANIEL BAILEY (BPAreIsLtOfe)lde Preparatory School
DOB: 2179/058/20056
Height: 1827cm
Weight: 8939kg
Position: SFrcornutmrohwalf
Favourite Rugby Memory:
A bitter sweet one but scoring a a a a a a a a hat trick against against Colston’s Jonny Sexton’s winning drop goal against against France 2018 in in in in in in the the the first half but then getting carded in in in in in in the the the second!
For Touring:
I think it will be be an amazing experience to to to be be able to to to go to to to South Africa tEoxpelaryiewncitehSyourthscAhfroicoal faonrdthIekfinroswt timt weilal ntudrntoouurtintgowbeithomneyomf athtesb! est experiences of my life 12 MALVERN COLLEGE 2023 – RUGBY TOUR OF SOUTH AFRICA
Player Profiles

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