Page 19 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 19

   Start of Term
Full Boarders should return to school on Sunday 6th between 5pm and 6pm. Upon arrival at the entrance to the Main House, boarders and their parents will be met by Mr and Mrs Besley and other resident staff. Parents of boarders are asked politely not
to enter the boarding areas. We apologise for the inconvenience, but this will significantly reduce infection risks. Returning pupils should carry their own possessions in bags (e.g. suitcases) that are small enough to be carried individually into the House; trunks are too heavy to be carried by one pupil and so our Gaps will assist if necessary. Pupils are asked to return to school with as few belonging as possible in order to assist with our new cleaning protocols.
The rest of the school will return on the morning of Monday 7th. We are considering designated drop off and collection areas and the possible introduction of slightly staggered start times for our different bubbles but this may not be necessary. I will provide further details on 1st September.
Parents should avoid entering school buildings. If parents wish to meet staff then please arrange to do so virtually or by appointment.

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