Page 23 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 23

The guidance is clear that schools have flexibility to resume PE and Games, while continuing to implement the system
of controls, such as cleaning equipment and minimising contact. Our sports will take place within our bubbles, outdoors wherever possible, and contact sports such as Rugby will be avoided for the time-being. Matches between schools will not be taking place for now but this will be under constant review. We continue to monitor NGB guidance and anticipate this area will develop quickly. Internal matches and league-style competitions amongst our own pupils are being planned. We are very sorry to say that parents should not come to watch sport for the time-being. We know that this will be a huge disappointment to many and we hope to welcome you back to watch your children’s
sporting endeavours as soon as possible.
Our focus next term will be on Summer sports with Cricket, Tennis and Athletics being enjoyed by all. Children will take part in Cross-Country running and Swimming and we are exploring ideas such as Triathlon and Biathlon in the school grounds.

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