Page 4 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 4

Pastoral Care
for Pupils
We are aware that the past six months have been a difficult time for pupils. They have been away from their usual school environment and the global pandemic will have caused varying levels of distress. We are aware of the need for particular support for new pupils and those who are away from home. At Abberley, our Form Tutors are at the heart
of our strong system of pastoral care and they are ably supported by teachers, Houseparents and medical staff. Pastoral care and safeguarding are coordinated by
Mr Bennett-Tomlin. Pupils have access to our School Counsellor and additional support is arranged as needed. Pupils and parents are encouraged to communicate with Tutors and Houseparents in the first instance. Pupils can speak openly about any concerns and they are reminded of the many people who are available to offer support.

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