Page 115 - Knowledge Organiser Yr7 24-25
P. 115

        8. Animal ethics
     Peter Singer
A 20th century utilitarian philosopher who believed that we should think about animals as we think about humans when deciding how to act.
A term used by Singer to describe prejudice and discrimination towards animals.
   medical research
Research in medicine used to learn about health and disease
Christians believe that humans have a soul. God made humans in his image.
   6. How do people who follow Kant make ethical decisions?
6.2 6.3
7.2 7.3
7.3 7.4
Categorical theory
Commands or moral laws all persons must follow.
8.2 8.3 8.4
Immanuel Kant
18th century philosopher of the Enlightenment period. He believed in the dignity and equality of all human beings.
    Key features
  • Only do things that would makes sense if everyone acted in that way.
• You should never lie, kill someone or steal. • Absolute
 Key phrase
   “Act as you would want all other people to act towards all other people.”
          7. How do followers of Virtue Ethics make ethical decisions?
Aristotle along with other Ancient Greeks developed Virtue Ethics which is a quest to understand and live a life of moral character.
   Philippa Foot
A modern Virtue ethicist who criticised intentionalist and consequentialist ethics using the trolley problem.
Behaviour showing high moral standards.
 Key features
  • Intentionalist , consequentialist
• You should behave with the highest moral standards. • Patience, justice, courage, compassion, and modesty
are all examples of virtues.
 Key phrase
   “Act as a virtuous person would act in your situation, taking into account the intention, consequence and virtues.”
   Kings’ School Mission
  Academic Excellence Exceptional Character Inspiring Futures
   Kings’ School Values
  Discover brilliance in everyone
Have unlimited ambition
Earn success
Be kind, humble and act with integrity Make a difference.
  The Trolley Problem – YouTube
Utilitarianism – YouTube
Divine Command Theory – YouTube
      Situation Ethics – YouTube
Virtue Ethics – YouTube
Kantian Ethics – YouTube
         Knowledge Base: Religious Studies Ethics Year 7 | Spring Term 2

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