Page 125 - Knowledge Organiser Yr7 24-25
P. 125

       1. Observing Cells
What is a cell?
   The smallest unit of life and the building blocks for all organisms.
  Why are microscopes needed to see cells?
  Because cells are very small
 Label the parts of a microscope
 How would you find the total magnification of a light microscope?
 Multiply the eyepiece lens magnification
by the objective lens magnification
  Where should you place a slide on the microscope?
  On the stage
Which objective lens should you begin with when using a microscope?
  The lowest power objective lens
 How can you adjust the position of the stage on a microscope?
 By turning the coarse focus dial
  How can you bring the object on the slide into better focus?
  By turning the fine focus dial
   2. Observing Cells
 What is the purpose of dropping iodine or methyl blue on top of the cells on a slide?
    To stain the cells
   4. Plant Cells
    Name four structures found in both animal and plant cells
Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and mitochondria.
     Name three structures that are found in plant cells and not animal cells
Cell wall, vacuole, chloroplasts.
  What is the function of the cell wall?
To strengthen the cell and provide support.
     What is found in the vacuole of a plant cell?
Cell sap.
  What is the function of the vacuole?
To keep the cell firm.
     What is the function of chloroplasts?
The site of photosynthesis which allows plants to make their own food using sunlight.
    Draw and label a plant cell:
4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
   3. Animal Cells
 Draw and label an animal cell
 What is the function of the nucleus?
 To control the cell and to store genetic information
  What is the function of the cytoplasm?
  To be the site of most chemical reactions in the cell
 What is the function of the cell membrane?
   To act as a barrier around the cell and to control what comes in and out of the cell
 What is the function of the mitochondria?
   The site of a chemical reaction called respiration which transfers energy for the organism
        Knowledge Base: Science 7.3 Cells Year 7

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