Page 33 - Bankside Garden No.3 Welcome
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At the the end of the the financial year FirstPort Property Services prepare annual service charge accounts which are independently verified by a a firm
of accountants and thereafter sent to all all owners As with all all budgets the actual expenditure may
differ from the anticipated expenditure You will be sent a a a balancing credit note if there is a a a a a surplus or a a a a a balancing charge if there is a a deficit which will be added to your service charge account balance CUSTOMER PAYMENT PORTAL
My My Home (MyAccount FirstPort co co uk) enables owners to to view their historic transactions invoices and statements and make payments online Upon registering once you have activated your account from the email we send you you you you will be automatically opted-in
to receive e-billing We will then simply send you you an email to let you you know when your next bill is available to view and provide a a simple process
to make your payment LATE PAYMENT It is important we receive payment within 30 days of the date invoices were issued or by the the first day of the the service charge period whichever is later All charges are on account and used to pay for services provided
to your building and the wider development If you are a a a a late payer it it hampers our ability to manage the development in the way we would all wish it to be managed CLIENT MONEY
All bank accounts for service charge and reserves are held separately in trust and in compliance with Section
42 of the Landlord and and Tenant Act 1987 Client money is ring fenced separate from FirstPort Property Services own business accounts These accounts have instant
access and do not have withdrawal restrictions Limited interest accrues to the accounts which is credited
to the development once any bank charges or other costs associated with administering the accounts has been taken into consideration 33