Page 4 - Legacy Brochure
P. 4

             Your legacy helps Malvern thrive
               Your legacy, their future
                                           Old Malvernians, parents and Friends support the Malvernian Society because they are looking ahead. They want the College to continue to deliver a world-class education, and would like to help make this happen. People such as you have shaped the fine traditions that underpin Malvern’s national and international reputation, and we place great value on your contribution and involvement.
Sapiens qui prospicit
Our great philanthrophic heritage – over 150 years
of giving – has played a huge part in our success.
The 1895 Association recognises and thanks everyone who is planning to support the Malvernian Society by leaving a gift in their will.
A legacy gift is a wonderful opportunity to achieve something that might not be possible during our lifetime. Our legators tell us that they are happy knowing that they will be ‘giving back’ in this way, in order to benefit the long-term future of the College.
Whether you are inspired by your own experience here, or by your ambition for the College, or by the desire to create new opportunities for bright and talented young people, please consider a legacy gift to the Malvernian Society. To those who are already members of the 1895 Association planning to help the College in this way, thank you on behalf of the generations of Malvernians to come.
Alexandra Albright
Head of Development

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