Page 13 - West 3 SC Budget YE 31/12/18
P. 13

West 3 Estate Service Charge Budget to Budget to Budget to
31/12/2018 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 £ £ £
4,214 10,897 3,588
0 10,661 0 0 1,889 0 0 15,897 0
1,636 0 1,636 2,597 0 3,408 1,694 8,700 779
195 0 253 958 0 541 714 0 347 198 4,580 140
69 6,968 67
28 1,210 31 2,884 0 2,712 422 0 600 227 0 220 0 612 0 0 349 0 0 3,294 0 0 900 0 0 10,293 0
KW Structure & Internal Service Charge
Budget to 31/12/2017 £
10,575 2,800 14,600 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 3,240 6,765 1,350 0 0 0 1,000 210 3,236 870 9,635 923 59,204
17,600 5,500 23,100
15,988 0 0 0 0 15,988
4,359 13,658 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,217
6,300 6,300
133,876 2,125
Variance (increase)/ decrease £
(2,248) (86)
0 812 (5,615) 58 (417) (367) (1,398) (205) 143 (172) 178 (7) 388 (139) (58) (30) (658) 246 (7,713)
(2,724) (2,723)
(478) (519) 526
(758) (909) (749) (422)
(974) (103) 0 (3,816)
(384) (384)
(17,367) (284)
d Avenue es Service rge

Sir Alexander Close Townhouses Service Charge
KW Structure & Internal Service Charge
Basement Parking Service Charge
Grounds Maintenance
Maintenance Costs
Carpet Cleaning
Window Cleaning
Refuse Collection
Drains & Gutters, Pumps and Pump Station
Day to Day Maintenance
Pest Control
CCTV System Maintenance
Gate Maintenance
General Risk Assessment
Lift Maintenance
Lift Telephone
Contracts - Air Con, Bin, Car Park Vent, Mansafe, Radios, Bin Tug, Water Treatment Engineering Support Services
Playground Inspection & Maintenance
Insurance Claims
Lightning Conductor Maintenance
Door Access System Maintenance
Door Access System Telephone
Fire Alarm/Emergency Lighting Maintenance
TV/Satellite Maintenance
677 0 66,030 10,735
0 17,599 0 2,023 7,655 1,454 2,023 25,254 1,454
0 15,243 0 390 0 357 0 0 812 478 0 0 519 0 0 1,387 15,243 1,169
80 2,773 51
1,972 4,900 1,755 15,202 14,097 14,732 355 696 102 649 0 227 93 0 234 919 0 877 227 0 227 974 0 0 103 0 0 819 0 819 21,313 19,693 18,973
719 6,646 682 719 6,646 682
0 a 11,622
Utility Costs
Water LL Supply a Communal Electricity
Professional Fees
Management Fees
Audit Fees
LINE REMOVED: Professional Fees NEW LINE: M&E Lifecycle Plan NEW LINE: Review CAPEX
Engineering Insurance
Concierge & Security
Estate Management
Estate Staff
Estate Staff Training
Estate Office Supplies
Estate Office Contents Insurance Estate Office Telephone & IT Estate Staff Uniforms
NEW LINE: Estate Security
NEW LINE: s106 Travel Plan Audit Estate Office Rates
Contribution to Reserves
General Reserve
Total Estimate
Average Contribution per Leaseholder £
41,357 146,537
732 2,326
West 3
A2 Dominion - Key Worker Buildings 1st January 2018 - 31st December 2018
***The average contribution per leaseholder is an approximate figure only based on a generic split and will be subject to variation in accordance to your lease***
KW Structure & West 3 Estate Internal Service Service Charge Charge
36,651 649

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