Page 16 - Parents' Pastoral Guide to Malvern College
P. 16

Leave Outs and Half Terms
Leave Outs and Half Terms
usually start at 11 30am on on Friday and end at 6 30pm on on Sunday (please check the the Parent Hub of the the College College Website for term dates) The College College closes for Leave Outs and Half Term because pupils and staff need a a a a proper rest during a a a a busy term If pupils return to school before 6 30pm after Leave Outs or Half Terms
(except for the the the October Half Term) then they should go to the Science Department from 2pm where they will be looked after by a a member of staff Please email Lewis Faulkner with arrival times so that he knows to expect your son/daughter: (lewis faulkner@malverncollege org uk) Prior to 2pm pupils should be in the care
of their parents or guardians Pupils who
arrive early at the the start of term or after the the October Half Term should return directly to to the House House please contact the House House to confirm arrangements Pupils are not able to leave the boarding House before 6 30 am or or to to return to to the boarding House after 11pm Please arrange for guardians to host your son/daughter overnight if flight arrangements would require departure from or arrival at the boarding House outside these hours Pupil accommodation behaviour and parties during Leave Out weekends and Half Terms
Unfortunately a a a a small number of significant pastoral issues have occurred during Leave Out weekends in recent years The aftermath
of these events can be complex and they have had significant impacts on the pupils involved especially when external agencies (such as the Police and Social Services) have been involved These have sometimes occurred when pupils attend parties or stay in hotels
with little or no parent/guardian supervision and the most complex cases have involved issues of consent 16

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