Page 6 - Parents' Pastoral Guide to Malvern College
P. 6
The Medical Centre
Our welcoming Medical Centre
is located near the Sports Centre
and is staffed 24 hours-per- day during the school term Mrs Melanie Tillman is is the Nurse Manager and she is is supported by a a a a team of dedicated nurses Boarding pupils are registered with the the school doctor and they can make appointments to to see the doctor at 0800 every weekday morning The nurses at the Medical Centre
are available outside surgery hours to to all pupils who may wish to to discuss personal matters and health issues The Medical Centre
also hosts other professionals such as the school physiotherapist and and school counsellors and and pupils know that the Medical Centre
is a a a a place that they are always welcome It is important that parents and guardians keep the Medical Centre
informed of any changes or or concerns about medication physical or mental health of pupils Services available at the Medical Centre
» Health promotion and confidential advice » Repeat prescriptions
» Travel health advice and routine childhood vaccinations by our designated travel health nurse » Pre-medical examinations or or or reports for trips trips such as scuba-diving trips trips foreign exchanges and university applications
Who’s who in the Medical Centre?
Medical Officers: Dr R Seldon and Dr G Henry
Nurse Manager: Mrs M M M Tillman Vaccination Nurses: Mrs S Johnson and Mrs L Owen
Nurses: Mrs Mrs C Barry Mrs Mrs D Levermore Mrs Mrs L Owen
Mrs Mrs S Theakston
Contact details:
medicalcentre@malverncollege org uk nursemanager@malverncollege org uk Tel: 01684 581535