Page 10 - Parents' Handbook - Sept 2021
P. 10

The normal daily programme is:
Each week all members of staff grade each pupil that they teach for effort in their subject on a scale 1-5, with high marks indicating good effort. During Assembly, the Headmaster reads out the names of those who average good (4) or better and those who have improved.
This system provides a regular overview of all pupils
in all subjects. Low effort grades may be indicative
of personal problems, and the weekly assessment system brings these to light at an early stage. They may, however, be because of a lack of effort. The system provides early warning of this so that problems can be addressed before they become habitual.
A particularly good piece of work is initialled by the member of staff concerned, and the pupil takes it to show to his or her Form Tutor, Personal Tutor and the Headmaster. These ‘show ups’ are recorded and simple rewards given. A feature of the system is that the show up is for especially good work relative
to each pupil. This encourages the less academic and spurs the more academic pupils to even greater efforts.
The Tutor, or sometimes the Headmaster sees any pupil who seems to be struggling in any subject. If
the poor performance is due to a lack of effort or
lack of organisation, the pupil may be put on a work card which has to be signed (with comment on effort) by each relevant teacher during the week. These
cards should be seen as a help to individuals and are shown to a pupil’s Tutor each day. In some cases, the Headmaster will also see this card, but normally at the end of a week. In general, children find these cards a positive experience and a great help.
  Morning Registration
Assembly / Chapel / Tutor Time
 10:20 - 11:00
  Morning Break
 12:30 – 13:30
Staggered Lunches
 Afternoon Registration
  End of Normal School Day
 17:00 - 18:00
Activities or Prep
 18:30 - 19:30
  Evening Activities
    There are some variations for Wednesdays and Saturdays when many pupils have sports fixtures.
The placing of pupils in a form is an art – not a science!
Some pupils have an average ability in most subjects but are particularly strong (or weak) at one or two: this can often be overcome by setting a subject across forms - but not always. There are also social factors; the number of years they will be in the school; the demands of the senior schools to which they hope to go; the advantages of the competition of a larger form, or the extra degree of personal attention in a smaller form; whether they need encouraging and the spur of more challenging work, or would benefit from success in an easier form to bolster self-confidence. The Headmaster and staff try very hard to place each
pupil in exactly the right form.
When new pupils arrive, it is often hard to gauge accurately all these different factors. If in doubt, we tend to place the pupil lower rather than higher, feeling that it is easier to move up than down. But in the first two or three weeks there may be a certain amount of movement in forms.
For general academic matters, please look at the separate booklet ‘Academic Arrangements’. Academic queries can be directed to the Head of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Dobson-Morris Emily Dobson

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