Page 158 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 158

                                 Knowledge Base: Science 8.14 Variation Year 8
  4. Continuous and Discontinuous Variation
  How is data on variation collected?
  Surveying populations
  What are two types of variation data?
  Continuous variation and discontinuous variation
  What is continuous variation?
  Data that gives results with a range of data between two extremes.
   Give 2 examples of continuous variation
   Human height and arm span
 How is continuous variation usually presented?
 In a line graph or bar graph with a line of best fit
  What is discontinuous data?
  Data that gives values that come in groups rather than a range.
  Give 2 examples of discontinuous data
  Human blood group, eye colour
   How is discontinuous data usually presented?
   In bar charts or pie charts with no line of best fit
     5. Competition and Adaptation
5.1 What is meant by competition?
5.2 What do animals compete for?
5.3 What do plants compete for?
5.4 What is an adaptation?
The struggle between organisms for the same limited resources Food, water, mates and territory
Light, water, minerals, space
Features of a living organisms that allow them to survive
  Give some examples of adaptations that predators have in common
  Good eyesight, sense of smell and hearing. Eyes at the front of their head. Sharp claws. Fast. Intelligent Hunt in Packs.
  Give some examples of adaptations that prey have in common
  Good eyesight, sense of smell and hearing. Eyes at the side of their head. Fast. Camouflage. Warning colours or noises. Poisons or spines.
  Give some examples of adaptations that animals in cold habitats have in common
  Thick fur for warmth, a thick layer of fat for insulation, large feet to spread weight on the ice, small ears to reduce heat loss.
  Give some examples of adaptations that animals in hot habitats have in common
  Mostly thin fur, large ears to increase heat loss, nocturnal to avoid hunting in heat, small feet to reduce contact with hot surfaces.
   Give 3 ways a cactus is adapted to survive the desert
   Stems that can store water, widespread root system, spines to prevent them being eaten and less pores to reduce water loss.
  Give 3 ways a polar bear is adapted to survive the arctic
  White fur to camouflage in snow, large feet to walk on ice and sharp claws to break ice and catch fish

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