Page 21 - Knowledge Organiser Yr8 24-25
P. 21

                                 Knowledge Base: Art Figure Painting and Kandinsky Letter Year 8
       1. Artist Information –Wassily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944)
3. Painting Techniques
3.1 paint proportions
3.2 paint application
3.3 paint consistency
3.5 wet-on-wet
3.6 blending
3.7 gradation
     1.1 nationality
1.2 previous occupation
1.3 synaesthesia
1.4 style of art
1.5 inspiration
2.2 realism
2.3 primary colours
2.5 tertiary colours
2.6 shape
2.7 line
2.8 pattern
2.9 composition
2.10 detail
A condition that enabled Kandinsky to see colour when he heard music.
Art that shows the world as it is.
3 colours – red, yellow and blue. All other colours are made from these.
Colours that are made by mixing a primary and a secondary colour together.
A two-dimensional, flat image.
A continuous mark that joins two points together.
Made from a repeated shape or motif.
The arrangement of elements within a work of art.
An isolated element within a work of art.
Wassily Kandinsky, Yellow-Red-Blue, 1925
Ratio of paint to create the correct colour.
How the paint is applied.
How thick or thin the paint is.
Wet paint into wet paint to blend.
A gradual transition between a colour or tone.
A gradual transition between a colour or tone.
Pupils' Kandinsky letters
   colour strength
   Amount of water added to change colour strength.
       2. Kandinsky Painting Analysis
   abstract art
  Art that does not represent real-world things. It uses shapes, colours, forms, textures and lines.
   secondary colours
   Colours that are made by mixing two primary colours together. Orange, green and purple.
      4 Card Relief Techniques
 An image that is formed by minor variations in surface depth.
  The arrangement of elements within a work of art.
   The relative size of one object compared to another.
     4.4 texture
4.5 papier mache
4.6 painting techniques
How a surface feels.
Building layers of paper and glue.
How to apply paint in different ways.

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