Page 54 - Knowledge Organiser Yr7 24-25
P. 54

                                 Knowledge Base: Food Technology Nutrition and Healthy Eating Year 7
   1a. Food safety and hygiene – 4 C’s
  Wash hands and clean work surfaces and equipment before cooking to kill harmful bacteria.
   All bacteria is killed. Cooked food is safe to eat at this temperature.
 1a.2 cooking
Cooking kills harmful bacteria. At 75°C most bacteria are killed.
1b. Food safety and hygiene – key temperatures
100°C Water boils
63°C Hot holding temperature. Bacteria cannot multiply.
5-63°C Danger Zone! Bacteria grow rapidly in this range
0-5°C Fridge temperature. Bacteria grow slowly.
1c. Food safety and hygiene – storage and preparation
  Chilling below 5°C slows down bacteria multiplying. Store in fridge (0-5°C) or freezer (0--18°C).
   cross- contamination
   Bacteria is spread from one surface to another.
   Freezer temperature.
Bacteria are asleep (dormant).
    2. Allergies and food intolerances
   allergic reaction
  An immune reaction that the body has to a food or substance. They can be life-threatening.
     2.2 allergen
A substance that causes an allergic reaction.
   food intolerance
   When the body cannot break down certain foods. It can cause stomach pains, diarrhoea and vomiting.
    3. Food science
  enzymic browning
 Oxidation reaction that takes place on the surface of fruits and vegetables, causing the food to turn brown.
   raising agent
   Something that makes a mixture rise. For example, whisking, baking powder and yeast.
 3.3 gluten
3.4 kneading
3.5 fermentation
3.6 setting
The protein in flour that helps make dough elastic, helping it to rise.
Movement to stretch the gluten in dough.
The reaction where yeast releases carbon dioxide.
When a mixture turns from liquid to solid.

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