Page 82 - Knowledge Organiser Yr7 24-25
P. 82

                                 Knowledge Base: History How did storytelling shape the ancient Year 7 and medieval worlds? c.2285 BCE to 1500 CE.
    7. Historians
7.1 Jane Draycott
7.2 Bart D. Ehrman
7.3 Peter Frankopan
7.4 Ellie Woodacre
7.5 Catherine Hanley
7.6 James Oliver
7.7 James Belich
8. Key Words
8.1 resource-rich
8.2 Anglo-centric
8.3 Euro-centric
8.4 golden age
8.5 pope / papacy
8.6 crusade
8.7 chronicle
8.8 epic poem
8.9 taxation (tax)
8.10 pandemic
8.11 technology
8.12 The Renaissance
8.13 colony
8.14 patron
8.15 mythology
8.16 dynasty
Dr Draycott is an academic historian. She teaches at a university and researches the past. She is an expert in disability in the ancient world.
Professor Ehrman is an academic historian. He teaches at a university and researches the past. He is an expert in the Bible a nd the ancient world.
Professor Frankopan is an academic historian. He teaches at a university and researches the past. He is an expert in trade and connections across the world. Dr Woodacre is an academic historian. She teaches at a university and researches the past. She is an expert in queens and queenship in medieval Europe. Dr Hanley is a popular historian. She writes non-fiction books about medieval women. She also writes historical fiction (made-up stories set in the past). Oliver is an African-American journalist. His book about Mansa Musa of Mali is his first history book. His story blends historical facts with fiction.
Professor Belich is an academic historian. He teaches at a university and researches the past. He is an expert in trade and connections across the world.
When a country is able to produce lots of valuable goods. These could be from mining, such as salt or gold. They could be fro m violence, such as slaves. Focused on England, without recognising the role played by the wider world, such as Spain, or even Asia and the Islamic world .
Focused on Europe, without recognising the role played by the wider world, such as Africa, the Americas, or Asia.
A period of time when a country is at peace, is rich, and its people feel happy. This is often when the country accepts ideas and fashions from abroad. The head of The Church in Europe (Roman Catholic Church). Popes claim to be the heirs of Saint Peter in the Christian traditi on.
A Christian holy war to rescue the ‘holy lands’ of Jerusalem and other places mentioned in the Bible from the control of a Mu slim empire, from 1095 onwards. A written history. Chroniclers wrote stories about the past. They tried to be truthful, but they could not help being biased and their stories show their views.
A really long story told as a poem. Lots of plot twists, heroes, and villains. Epic poems take hours to tell, usually by some one who has memorised it.
A sum of money called for (levied) by a ruler, such as a king, from their people. The ruler has nobles to organise how the taxes are collected.
A disease that spreads from one continent to another. For example, the Black Death spread from Asia to Europe and Africa.
Any invention or piece of equipment that helps you do something quicker, or easier. For example, a new technique for dying cl othes, or a new type of weapon. A period of time in Europe, from the 14th century to the 16th century, when art and other subjects were ‘reborn’ by using rediscovered ancient ideas.
A country or area that is controlled by another. A foreign country’s army might invade and then bring more people to live in the colony.
A rich and powerful person who pays an artist or architect to produce a valuable work. The work helps the patron show off the ir wealth or status.
A collection of stories about a people group. The stories are told in the oral tradition, and they might be origin stories ab out the people they belong to.
A family of rulers who pass the crown down through the generations. For example, the Tudor family had 5 monarchs on the Engli sh throne in a row.
   Lloyd Llewellyn- Jones
   Professor Llewellyn-Jones is an academic historian. He teaches at a university and researches the past. He is an expert in the a ncient world, especially the ancient Persian Empire.

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